Kommer ni ihåg den här serien?
Den handlade om dinosauriefamiljen Sinclair och jag tyckte av någon outgrundlig anledning att den var toppen.
Undrar just vad jag skulle tycka idag.
Se vad du kan lära dig i brist på vettiga saker att göra:
In 1995, five issues of Marvel Comics' Daredevil were attributed to the writing of Alan Smithee. Writer D.G. Chichester took a five-issue break from the series after issue #332, using this lead time to work on the issues that would be printed upon his return. A new editor took over the Daredevil line, and did not want Chichester to continue work on the series. Chichester himself was not informed of this directly, but caught wind of the edict nonetheless. Chichester was still obligated to complete issues #338–342; in protest, he insisted on being credited Alan Smithee. His name would not appear in a Daredevil book until #380, the last issue of the first volume of the series.
2 kommentarer:
OM jag minns den! Den har traumatiserat stora delar av min barndom, tillsammans med "Simpor och grodfötter". Huvva!
haha, strålande! s & g hade jag nästan glömt bort. måste ägna minst tre googletimmar åt det så snart som möjligt.
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